In the year 2004,about 13-14yrs ago,back in ghana at the time she had been graced with the favor ,haven been helped to leave the outskirts of her misery and sorrow from ghana to the states,she wrote the concept of this great organization ,”THE TOUCHING HEART FOUNDATION”and committed the vision and ideas of its establishment into prayer until the time was right before she discussed it with a number of friends who bought into the idea and the organization was formerly registered in the year 2012.The idea of communicating the vision after 13-14yrs of prayer and waiting persistently on the divine timing,counseling and protection from wrong patnership or associates,vision killers and others who might want to subvert or kill the vision and after reaching a firm grounds on the right timing the initiation became inspired by an interview on one of the American TV channels involving a prostitute who happened to narrate the cruel treatment metted to her by her own relative that lead her into the streets and later resulting into prostitution.

In an interview, a lady that had been forced into prostitution resulting from being deprived of having the the access to living a choice life into being a prostitute,gave an account on her life as to why and how she ended up on such an unwilling path of life and this left the founder with tears and sorrows coupled with a great passion filled with the zeal opened the door to the long awaited opportunity through which she could create and establish this organization that is jeered towards meeting the help of the needy in the community and the world as a whole to help maintain the norms in the balance of life on behalf of the less privileged and needy in our walks of life

According to the lady,she became an orphan at the age of 7yrs,and had to resort to living with her uncle who had yet inherited her fathers properties but a very headstrong man who through his own selfish ambitions ended the lives of her parents through devilish and dubious means ,therefore by way of her acquiring shelter as a little girl,and with lying words of taking good care of her which she later discovered that it was a schemy pretense to sweep off with what he sought using the girl as the signet ring for his endorsement to achieve his goals but afterwards began multreating the girl to the point of even dropping out of school and resorting to childlabour in order to cater and fend for herself even as a child and to add insult into injury attempted many times to rape her but proved futile but realized her continuous stay in the house became threatened however had no choice but to continue staying there because she had nowhere else to go.This awkward attitude continued as the lady also constantly manouvered her way unto escape until she finally fell into the grip of the hands of the uncle for rape and molestation.She realized she could not continue to bear the shame,pain disgrace and debasement unto inferiority standard she had been subjected to there took to the streets and became homeless by running away from the uncle in order to protect her dignity,pride and also to save the name of the family from being dragged into the mud by the general public,hmmmm lord have mercy on us!!How then do we judge this story but to find a way to be able to help others from falling prey and being victimized through such means in life,and she added that since there was no way by which she could make ends meet having been left impregnated through the process by the uncle,so to plan for herself and her child being unborn to survive the time and the future she had to strategies a plan of survival!!

She then added,abortion would have been an option to end the immigrate memory of the shame,pain and agony but had been raised up a Christian and also knew the complications involved in undergoing such practice…… this she opted to no other option but prostitution just incase by so doing could get

someone who either would choose to maintain and help or listen to her story and give directions for survival where due.

She ended by recalling the many privileges she had been deprived of having been put through such life,then appealed to the general public to come to the aid of the needy and less privileged and not to be judged by their circumstances for many have regretted the choices they made and wish the hands of time could be turned to the beginning where the right decisions could be made she would seek help from any help organization or support facilities and organizations…

By these recommendations, via her assertions,the founder was reminded of her idea she had been pondering over ,looking forward to its right timing of establishment, this what she called the “fulfilling word”and this gave her the inspiration to finally communicate her vision to trusted sources,organizations and people who upon analyses from series of meetings agreed to buy into the mindset of supporting this long awaited lifesaving vision by obliging and endorsing the call by honoring the invitation into partnering tobe joined to the required directors and management of the organization.