Long term projects
1. Construction of one borehole in every remote village in Ghana.

2. Establishment of Touching Hearts village at Apam in the central region of Ghana.

3. Palm plantation for the manufacture of palm oil, palm kernel oil etc.

4. Manufacturing and distribution of coconut, coconut drink, coconut oil etc.

5. Establishment of Touching Hearts prayer camp to be opened for the children in the foundation and the public as large.

6. Manufacturing of Touching Hearts water and supply of water to the Apam community.


Due to our clear mandate in ensuring sustainable livelihood to orphans, widows and the destitute in society, these are the following future plans with regards to.

              To promote social educational and economic empowerment to the disadvantaged in the society.

              To safeguard the rights of children and provide for the well-being of children in need; more particularly children exposed to any form of abuse, children deprived of education and children suffering from ill health both physically and mental.

              To identify the beggars and impress upon them the significance of dignified living and persuade them to take up an alternative livelihood and to take such measure so as to equip them in attaining such mean of living.

              To provide medical assistance and legal aid as well as assistance to the old aged and to ensure their social well-being.

              To identify the homeless and destitute as well as facilitating their relocation in appropriate institutions.

              To mentor and provide guidance to the youth.

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