Touching heart foundation is now a fully registered and legally endorsed firm,internationally licensed under the ghana registrar generals designation fulfilling the laws of the Constitution in the sections of our articles that confirms certification of incoperation and Commencement of legalized firms and organizations.This foundation was registered under the ghana business incorporation on the 1st day of June 2012 in ghana and was licensed to commence operation having been fully certified in recognition as legal even though the idea and it’s writeup comes a long way before it’s legalization,official introduction and launching…………..!!


Even though,she knows for sure that as a Christian it falls as the duty of all believers and practically as their responsibility to take care of orphans,widows ,prisons and the needy which represents a good service to God and mankind,this organization and the projects championing the frontiers of this establishment goes beyond the sphere of the religious sects which mostly becomes a barrier to the humanitarian core,limiting the patronage in the event of support and care of its members.

The bible teaches us of a parable which puts away the covering under which our religious leaders hide with pretenses of doing Godly services but on the cotrary forsake their humanitarian reponsibilities for the sake of religious in deference, positions,abuse of power,descrimination, nepotism,selfishness and ethnicity which generates into the acts of racism,superiority in flexes that subject others to inferiority and mediocrity.


By this text we are enlightened on the explanation given by Jesus Christ on his assertion of who our neighbor is and we understood that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves not because we know people or are related to us just as this passage talks about.When Jesus Christ later explained the parable of the good Samaritan to his desciples in the bible,it was discovered that (the good samaritan)gain the qualification to his name based on the good and charitable service he offered in this passage because out of the three people who chanced upon the opportunity to help a dieing man,who fell among wayward robbers and was beaten to death ….the first man being a priest just passed bye because he

thought to be late for church,then the levity who also thought of making an escape from falling victim as the dieing man,for fear of this thought he also passed bye without helping, but later on came the samaritan who drew near,came close,sacrificed his time to go down from his horse and came to the aid of the dying man by giving him water and first aid by bandaging his wounds before carrying him into an inn for nurses to attend to him fully,giving a down payment which was all the money on him and promised to return and forfeit payment of any debt that would be incurred. ………making sure he was

kept in good hands under suitable condition with the hope of survival in life.This the bible recommends as the neighbor unlike the priest and the levies who passed by and left the victim of the robbery for dead.The bible teaches also that ,only doing good to those who did good to you has no reward,also doing charitable services to others because they can repay you has no reward,doing your service of alms to the rich,also doing it in the public view for vain glory just for all eyes to see what you can do also has no reward…….but what does it say but giving to the poor and expecting nothing in return is what pleases

God for your reward is in heaven